Pricing a sealcoating job is a simple process of multiplying the square footage in the lot by a price per square foot. This price per square foot will range from .12 cents to .20 cents depending on a few factors.
The first factor is your market. If it is very competitive that will push the price per square foot down. If there is very little competition the price will go up.
Second, the condition of the lot affects the price. A nice smooth, clean lot would be less per square foot. A dirty, sandy, rough lot would be more.
Third, is the amount and quality of the sealcoat you give a customer. If you just do a single coat with very little sand you should charge less. If you do two full coats with lots of sand bound into the mix you should charge more. The second way will outlast the first by at least double.
Fourth, if your price includes striping the lot you would charge more. If you break that out or if someone else stripes it you would charge less.
Fifth, the size of the lot will affect the price as well. Small lots are charged a premium and small lots get a volume discount.
How you put it down is not relevant. It is better for you to have efficient equipment and this will help you to make much more per hour of your time but it should not change the customers price.
Here is how I would price a job.
Lot size – 100 x 200 = 20,000 square feet
Lot Type – Clean lot. No sand. Easy to close off lot. No cars.
Job Type – 2 full coats. Both with sand and some latex additive. Striping included in price.
20,000 x .17 = 3,400
Steven Cole (Economics, MBA – University of West Florida, Business & Innovation – Stanford University) 30 years experience in the parking lot striping business. Expert in reflective visibility solutions.